Do cultural controls influence affective commitment in a family firm? Effects of feedback/feedforward, work pressure, and counterproductive behaviors
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Palabras clave

Cultural controls
Affective commitment
Family firm

Cómo citar

Beuren, I. M., da Silva Pereira, B., & Pinto da Silva Martins, J. (2024). Do cultural controls influence affective commitment in a family firm? Effects of feedback/feedforward, work pressure, and counterproductive behaviors. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 26(02).


Purpose – This study examines the influence of cultural controls on affective commitment in a family firm, mediated by feedback/feedforward, work pressure, and counterproductive behaviors.  

Theoretical framework – Under the lens of social exchange theory, it is postulated that cultural controls have a direct effect on affective and indirect commitment through feedback/feedforward, work pressure and counterproductive behaviors. 

Design/methodology/approach – The hypotheses were tested with data from a survey carried out with employees of a family firm, using structural equation modeling. 

Findings – The research results show that there is a direct positive relationship between cultural controls and affective commitment. Cultural controls positively influence feedback/feedforward and work pressure, but no negative influence on counterproductive behaviors was observed. Also, positive influence of feedback/feedforward on affective commitment was found, but not work pressure, and not even negative influence of counterproductive behaviors. 

Research Practical & Social implications – The research findings contribute to the literature and managerial practice by revealing that cultural controls directly impact the affective commitment of employees and indirectly through the mediating effect of feedback/feedforward, work pressure, and counterproductive behaviors. This indicates that even after the IPO, cultural aspects continue to influence the behavior of the employees of the researched family firm. 

Originality/value – Contributes to the literature by presenting new implications of cooperative behavior and risk management, perceived as facilitators of knowledge sharing. It can also guide cooperatives in sustaining their business by sharing knowledge and their policies around risk management aimed at organizational strategies. 

Keywords – Cultural controls. Affective commitment. Performance. Family firm.
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