Author Guidelines
The general rules of style and formatting of scientific articles for the journal are in Manual APA: general rules of style and formatting of academic works (2016), developed by the FECAP Library [link]
- Language: Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish. If approved, the authors are responsible for the translation into English
- Size: Manuscripts must have a minimum of 4000 and a maximum of 8000 words (including bibliographic references, tables, tables and illustrations).
- Paper: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm)
- Margins: Top and left 3 cm; bottom and right 2 cm.
- Text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or higher.
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
- Spacing: 1.5 cm between lines.
- Paragraphs: justified alignment, with indentation in the first line of 1.25 cm beyond the normal margin.
- Sections and subsections: sections and subsections must present numerical indicators, preceding their titles (1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1); Title formats must comply with the indications on page 14 of the “APA Manual: general rules of style and formatting of academic works” from the FECAP Library [link].
- Foreign words: words in other languages must appear in italics.
- Citations: must be presented in the body of the text using the author-date system, that is, author's surname, comma and year of publication. Page numbering is only placed when there is a direct quote. The general rules of style and formatting for the presentation of citations can be verified in the “APA Manual: general rules of style and formatting of academic works” of the FECAP Library [link].
- Direct quotes: If the quote comprises less than 40 words, incorporate it into the text and enclose it in double quotes. Citations with more than 40 words must be presented in a separate text block without quotation marks. Check the Model on page 34 of the “APA Manual: general rules of style and formatting of academic works” from the FECAP Library [link].
- Tables and figures: tables (these are numerical or textual information, organized in columns and rows); figures (they are drawings, graphs, flowcharts, photographs, illustrations, maps, etc.) it is not colored. The general rules of style and formatting of illustrations for scientific articles are on pages 53 to 62 of the “APA Manual: general rules of style and formatting of academic works” from the FECAP Library [link].
- Notes: RBGN does not use footnotes. If necessary, such comments should be included as endnotes, numbered sequentially in the body of the text and presented at the end of the article before the list of references. The thank you notes, or others that identify the author, may be added to the final version, if the article is approved for publication.
- Writing: the text submitted for an article with one author can be written in the first person singular or in the impersonal style, and the article with more than one author can be written in the first person plural or in the impersonal style. The style adopted must be maintained throughout the text.
- Pagination: Include the number of pages (in Arabic numerals) in the upper right corner.
- References: the list of references cited throughout the text must be presented at the end of the article, in single spacing, organized alphabetically by the author's last name (and chronologically when applicable), according to the general rules of style and formatting available in the “APA Manual: general rules of style and formatting of academic works” from the FECAP Library [link]. The accuracy of references and citations are the responsibility of the author(s) of the article.
Title: must be presented on the first page, Times New Roman font, size 12, in bold and centered.
Body of Text: the writing must include: introduction, literature review, methodological procedures, presentation and analysis of results, conclusion and references. Theoretical essays should preferably present a clear theoretical outline of the research problem, with a respective review of the literature according to the state of the art, and build propositions that mean an advance in the theory addressed. Bibliometric research and systematic reviews without the proper formulation of propositions are not accepted for publication in the RBGN.
Appendices/research instruments: based on the criteria for permanence of journals in the Scielo Brasil Collection (2017) and by determination of its Editorial Board, from January 2018, the RBGN made the inclusion (as an appendix) of the instruments used in the researches MANDATORY , to know:
(i) questionnaires
(ii) interview scripts
(iii) scales
(iv) coding criteria, and the like.
The presentation of the appendix(s) should be concise but not abbreviated. Each appendix must have a title, typed in capital letters, centered and in bold. Multiple appendices should be identified as APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc.
The objective of this measure is to contribute to the reproducibility of research.
Authors who do not meet this requirement will have their manuscripts rejected in the format evaluation (preliminary step to desk-review).
(*) We emphasize that the appendices are not considered within the established word limit.
Authors' Biography: It is MANDATORY for authors to send, at the time of submission, as supplementary documentation, the biography of all authors, informing ORCID, name, title, institutional affiliation, city/country of origin and title according to the model below:
*Maximum 4 authors per article
Structured Abstract: it is MANDATORY for authors to send, at the time of submission, as supplementary documentation, a structured abstract of the articles in the same language (with a maximum limit of 250 words), according to the standardized model of the RBGN . The authors must be ordered according to the level of involvement and contribution to the manuscript.
Open Science Compliance Form: It is MANDATORY to send the completed form upon submission.
Other accessory documents: We strongly suggest that authors submit as accessory documentation (in a separate file from the original manuscript) databases, materials and computer programs used in the research and that support the article. Our objective with this request is to contribute to the reproducibility of research and reuse of data, safeguarding the proper citation of the corresponding article.
- Authors must complete the RBGN Open Science Declaration. The fully completed Open Science Statement must be entered as a supplementary document during the submission process.
- RBGN accepts the submission of articles that have been deposited and/or published on Preprint servers (eg Scielo Preprints), being necessary to share the respective DOI number(s).
- Committed to the data sharing policy, we ask authors to authorize the RBGN team to share in a public open source repository (eg Harvard Dataverse). RBGN strongly encourages authors to make all data associated with their submission available, in accordance with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles.
- RBGN asks authors to share in a public data repository all the information necessary to reproduce the submitted research, including information that is only implicit in the article. Such information will only be disclosed together with the eventual definitive publication of the article. The final approval of the articles is conditioned to the receipt and verification of the open data and materials.
- The citation of supplementary data throughout the text is mandatory. That is, if some supplementary information (a database or an interview script, for example) is inserted in the writing of the text, it is necessary to show which supplementary file is being mentioned (Ex.: Supplementary Document 1; Supplementary Document 2... ).
- As of January 2021, except in situations authorized by the editorial team, it will be mandatory to share data and materials from the research submitted according to the guidelines presented below:
- Data Source
- Primary data*: sharing mandatory
- Secondary data: sharing required
- Re-used data: sharing mandatory
- Proprietary data**: Present, if possible, codes and commands to access data in the original source. And display title of variables/data as defined by the original source
* Eventually, depending on the justification, they may be exempted
**Information from databases (eg Economática, KLD, Eikon...)
- Methodological Procedures
- Qualitative: Present models mentioned in the text (used or just mentioned) and commands (and results) used in software (ex: do-file in Stata)
- Quantitative: Present protocols mentioned, but not presented in the article (eg, questionnaires, interview scripts, pre-tests); Present software outputs used in the research (eg Nvivo, Atlas.Ti); And present all the methodological procedures implicit in the research
It is MANDATORY to send the completed form upon submission:
The criteria for the evaluation of articles take into account:
1) the relevance of the topic
2) the originality of the contribution to the areas of Administration or Accounting
3) the relevance of the theoretical contribution
4) the clarity of the text
5) the adequacy of the bibliography
6) the structuring and theoretical development
7) the methodology used
8) the discussion of the results and conclusions with the relevant literature
The evaluation process of articles submitted to RBGN takes place in the following stages:
- Preliminary verification: the editorial secretariat verifies the consistency of the registration data and compliance with the submission rules. If approved, the manuscripts are directed to the next phase, the desk-review.
- Desk-review: At this stage, the Editor analyzes the scientific format of the manuscript in terms of objectives, theoretical framework, language and methodology, verifying the article's framing within the editorial scope of the journal and the potential contribution of the research. This task is divided between the general editor and the assistant editors, each in their area of expertise. If approved by the editors, the articles are sent to the double blind review.
- Double blind review: the article and other supplementary documents are sent to at least two evaluators with a doctoral degree, who do not have any kind of connection with the authors of the manuscript and who have experience in the topic and/or methods in question, for the due assessment;
- After the work receives the opinions from the double blind review stage, the editor sends the authors the result by e-mail, which may refer to one of the following three situations:
- Approval: the article has been accepted for publication and the authors must take the other appropriate measures mentioned in these guidelines for it to be published.
- Review: the authors must make the suggested adjustments, or present the appropriate arguments for not proceeding. The authors' versions aimed at meeting the revisions requested by the reviewers should always be accompanied by a respective draft clarifying the changes made and explaining the reasons for those not being met. The deadline for delivery of the revised article is determined by the editor and informed to the authors according to the requested review. After delivery of the revised article, it is again submitted to the referees to verify the changes. The review may involve several rounds until the final approval or rejection of the manuscript is reached.
- Rejection: the article was not accepted for publication according to the justification presented by the editor based on the evaluation of the reviewers, who reflect the improvements to be made in the text.
- It is up to the Editor, after the opinion of the evaluators, to review and approve the final version of the work.
- During the entire editorial process, authors can monitor the status of the evaluation, and may even appeal against decisions.
* Cases not provided for in these guidelines will be dealt with by the Editor-in-Chief of RBGN, and by the Editorial Board when necessary.