Prácticas de calidad, responsabilidad social corporativa y el criterio “resultados para la sociedad” del modelo EFQM
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Palabras clave

Gestão da qualidade
fatores críticos
resultados na sociedade
estabelecimentos de alojamento rural.

Cómo citar

de la Cruz del Río-Rama, M., Álvarez-García, J., & Coca-Pérez, J. L. (2017). Prácticas de calidad, responsabilidad social corporativa y el criterio “resultados para la sociedad” del modelo EFQM. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 19(64), 307–328.


Purpose – The purpose of this research is to analyze whether quality
management practices implemented and carried out by the rural
accommodation establishments under study influence society results
obtained by organizations, which are understood as the participation
therein and the development of local community.´

Design/methodology/approach – The working methodology consists
of carrying out an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in order
to test the psychometric properties of measurement scales, and the
hypothesized relationships between critical factors and society results
are examined using structural equation modeling.

Findings – The study provides evidence of a weak relationship between
the critical factors of quality and society results in rural accommodation
establishments. The results suggest that process management is the only
quality practice that has a direct effect on society results and the rest
of the critical factors are considered antecedents of it.

Originality/value – The contribution of this study, which explores
the impact of the critical factors of quality on society results, is to
confirm that there is an effect of the critical factors of quality on society
results (social and environmental responsibilities) through the direct
relationship of process management. Very few studies examine this
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