Strategic behavior and ambidexterity: a study applied along the Brazilian wineries
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Palabras clave

Strategic behavior. Ambidexterity. Exploration. Exploitation. Wine Industry.

Cómo citar

Silveira-Martins, E., Rosseto, C. R., Lima, N. C., & Penedo, A. S. T. (2014). Strategic behavior and ambidexterity: a study applied along the Brazilian wineries. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 16(52), 392–415.


The aim of this paper was to correlate the strategic
behavior of managers of national winery industries
with the process of organizational ambidexterity.
Therefore, the theory adopted was mainly based
on the knowledge of Miles and Snow (1978)
on types of behavior, and March (1991), with
respect to ambidexterity. The methodology used
was the quantitative research, using the survey
method. The sample consisted of 150 industries
Brazilian wineries. To process the data, we used
multivariate techniques, particularly structural
equation modeling. The results point to a positive
relationship between the prospector, anlyzer and
reactor behaviors toward ambidexterity. The
defender behavior has a negative relationship with
ambidexterity. While this type is not theoretically
related to the ambidextrous processes, the
national wine industry scenario is empirically
permeated by the need for reorganization,
given the environmental situation experienced
by the companies. The behavior of managers
is influenced by reactive practices; for instance,
we observe research on the need for measures to
safeguard the market, which is conducted by the
Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign 

Trade (MDIC). Finally, the research stands out
for addressing a specific theme and exploring its
features, contributing to the literature, generating
support for management decisions and expanding
horizons for further research.
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PDF (Português (Brasil))


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