Cars that Provide Pleasure: a study about the connection between attributes and personal values of buyers from São Paulo
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Personal values. Laddering. Automobiles.

How to Cite

Piato, Éderson L., Pimenta, M. L., & Fowler, F. R. (2014). Cars that Provide Pleasure: a study about the connection between attributes and personal values of buyers from São Paulo. Review of Business Management, 16(52), 434–447.


The objective of this paper is to evidence the
cognitive structure of the values of automobile
consumers from São Paulo, considering two
models (one compact and another sportive) of
a car maker. Specifically, this paper aimed to
identify elements through a hierarchical value
map (HVM), the attributes, the consequences
and the values that characterize the perceptions of
the consumers and respective connections among
these. Therefore, thirty in depth interviews were
performed with buyers of the two models. The
qualitative Laddering technique (REYNOLDS;
GUTMAN, 1988), based on the Means-End
Chain Theory (GUTMAN, 1982), guided the
collection, analysis and interpretations of data.
The results point out that personal values are
determinant aspects for the decision of buying
such models and, consequently, should be
considered for the elaboration of strategies of
automobile design and communication. The
analysis of the HVM highlighted that the main
chains, for the two models, are started by the
attributes: “internal trim” and “Design”. These
items generate the perception of the value
“Hedonism” - the most expressive state for the
interviewees. This highlights the importance of
this value in deciding to buy those two analyzed
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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