Governance Mechanisms and Processes of Succession: a study on the influence of the elements of corporate governance in the direction of the succession process in a family business
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Corporate governance. Succession process. Family-owned enterprises.

How to Cite

Bertucci, J. L. de O., Álvares da Silva Campos, E., Pimentel, T. D., & Pereira, R. D. (2009). Governance Mechanisms and Processes of Succession: a study on the influence of the elements of corporate governance in the direction of the succession process in a family business. Review of Business Management, 11(31), 152–167.


The objective of this study was to analyze the way in which the development of structures and mechanisms of corporate governance influence the direction of the succession and the mediation of conflicts between the family, the property and the management in a family-owned enterprise. A revision was carried out initially about studies on family-owned enterprises, corporate governance and succession. Tangible factors were considered as alterations in the property structure, and intangible, like alterations in the dynamics of the power relationships and the sphere of influence of the family. Therefore, the empirical evidences were lifted from the method of case study, through semi-structured interviews with representatives of the Board of Directors, who were also members of the family. For the treatment of the data the technique of thematic analysis of content was used, showing that the enterprise presents a considerable advancement in the sense of implementing mechanisms of governance that contemplate the dimensions of the family, property and management of the enterprise. These are helpful in mediating the eventual conflicts of interests.

Key words: Corporate governance. Succession process. Family-owned enterprises.
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