The use of Benchmarketing in the elaboration of Strategic Planning: an important tool for the maximization of the organizational competitiveness
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Benchmarking. Strategic planning. Competitiveness. Superiority.

How to Cite

Junior, R. J. C., & Vital, T. W. (2007). The use of Benchmarketing in the elaboration of Strategic Planning: an important tool for the maximization of the organizational competitiveness. Review of Business Management, 6(14), 60–66.


This article demonstrates the importance of benchmarking in the preparation of strategic planning. Such planning establishes directions to be followed by the company in order to seize opportunities and repel risks. Among the analysis that comprises the strategic planning, that of the organization’s internal systems should be pointed out, which enables to check its strengthening and weaknesses. A way to identify and analyze the latter is through the Benchmarking. This technique allows the company to check and compare practices adopted by other companies – direct competitors or not – which show a high performance in their functions and incorporates in its critical success factors the best of those companies. The ongoing search for excellence constitutes the objective of companies using benchmarking, aiming to maximize their competitiveness and reach a superiority level above that of their players.

Key-words: Benchmarking. Strategic planning. Competitiveness. Superiority.
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