Innovation in Micro Firms Builders of Machine Tool? Effects of T-KIBS on technological and non-technological innovations
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Pierre Seclen-Luna, J. ., Moya Fernandez, P. ., Barrutia Güenaga, J. ., & Ferrucci, L. . (2022). Innovation in Micro Firms Builders of Machine Tool? Effects of T-KIBS on technological and non-technological innovations. RBGN - Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 24(1). Recuperado de


Purpose – This study aims to evaluate the effects of KIBS on innovation outcomes in micro firm builders of machine tools according to the categories of KIBS.

Theoretical framework – This article not only contributes to the innovation process theory by reinforcing the arguments that micro firms can achieve innovations but also, that KIBS have a positive influence on technological and non-technological innovation in manufacturing firms.

Design/methodology/approach – To achieve the objective of the study, the Mann-Whitney U Test was used as the analysis techniques. A survey was carried out to collect the data from 40 micro firm builders of machine tools located in the

Basque Country (Spain) and Emilia-Romagna (Italy).

Findings – The results suggest that KIBS have positive effects on innovations in manufacturing firms. However, there are differences according to the categories of KIBS. For instance, T-KIBS are prone towards technological innovation, while P-KIBS and C-KIBS affect non-technological innovation. In addition, ICT services also have a positive relationship with non-technological innovation. We conclude by highlighting the importance of T-KIBS to confront the challenges of Industry 4.0 and the need for further research to determine the role of KIBS in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Research Practical & Social implications – Micro firms need to enhance their absorptive capacity by increasing ICT and R&D investments, to confront the challenges of the Industry 4.0, and given the fact that the industry is beginning to incorporate more and more codified science-based knowledge. Perhaps hiring T-KIBS would be an adequate decision for micro firms.

Originality/value – This study contributes to the advancement of research involving different category of KIBS and their effects on manufacturing firms’ innovation, especially in micro firm builders of machine tool.

Keywords – KIBS, Technological innovation, Non-technological innovation, Micro firms, Machine Tool.

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