Social Support and Employee Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Work-Family Conflict
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Bajaba , S., Tahlil Azim, M. ., & Aftab Uddin, M. (2022). Social Support and Employee Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Work-Family Conflict. RBGN - Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 24(1). Recuperado de


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of work social support (WSS) and family social support (FSS) on employee turnover intention (TI) through both forms of work-family conflict (WFC), namely, work interfering family (WIF) and family interfering work (FIW).

Theoretical framework – The theoretical foundation of the study is grounded on Social Exchange Theory (Blau, 1964), Job Demand-Control-Support Model (Johnson & Hall 1988). Cognitive Appraisal Theory (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), and Hobfoll’s (1989) Theory of Conservation of Resources.

Design/methodology/approach – The study used a cross-sectional survey design. The multi-item measurement scales were developed based on prior studies to design survey questionnaires. Analysis has been performed on 277 responses from employees working in different government and private firms in the Western Region, Saudi Arabia. The hypotheses were tested using SmartPLS3.

Findings – The investigation finds that both WSS and FSS significantly predict TI, and both WIF and FIW partially mediate the WSS-TI and FSS-TI relationships. The results demonstrate that support from both family and work domains have a reciprocal relationship, and they play important roles in reducing work-family conflict with their ultimate desirable impact on turnover.

Research Practical & Social implications – Management should create a supportive environment for the employees within the workplace and ensure family-friendly policies so that the employees can minimize work-family conflict. The study indicates that family members have a crucial role in reducing the stress associated with the work domain. Therefore, everybody should extend support to his/her working members of the family.

Originality/value – It is a pioneering attempt to investigate the implications of both WSS and FSS on both types of WFC (i.e., WIF and FIW) and their ultimate effect on TI.

Keywords – Work social support. Family social support. Turnover intention. Work-family conflict. Saudi Arabia

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