A Decade of Research on Leadership and its Effects on Creativity-Innovation: A Systematic and Narrative Literature Review
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Augusto Lopes Figueredo, J., Souza Costa Neves, F., Castro Pires de Souza Chimenti, P., & Martins Abelha, D. (2022). A Decade of Research on Leadership and its Effects on Creativity-Innovation: A Systematic and Narrative Literature Review. RBGN - Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 24(1). Recuperado de https://rbgn.fecap.br/RBGN/article/view/4151


Purpose – In this study, we review ten years of research that delved into the connections between leadership, creativity, and innovation (L-C/I). Our main objective is to perform a systematic literature review to better understand the associations between leadership and innovation/creativity, analyzing knowledge thus far developed addressing the mechanisms through which the two phenomena are connected. 

Theoretical framework – We present and analyze conceptual definitions for the three constructs involved in our review—Leadership, Creativity and Innovation. We also briefly highlight main leadership theories and perspectives, their key conceptual elements, and their interface with creativity/innovation. 

Design/methodology/approach – We applied a combination of systematic and narrative review methodologies with bibliometrics, unprecedented in its focus, depth, and breadth. We delve in a sample of 2,724 articles published on the intersections between L-C/I, analyzing in-depth 113 papers published in the top-27 management journals. 

Findings – We observe an accelerated growth of research on the topic. Most studies address the effects of leadership on creativity, while its connections with innovation still need to be better understood. Transformational leadership is the main perspective engaged by researchers, with the emergence of studies applying LMX, entrepreneurial and positive leadership approaches. While some mediators and moderators have been explored, there remains the need to build comprehensive frameworks able to address the complexity of the issue. Transversal study designs predominate, and the few experimental studies mostly rely on student samples. 

Research Practical & Social implications – We discuss the possibilities and limitations of the present knowledge, synthesize existing gaps in research, and offer direction to further expand knowledge boundaries. We also contribute to fostering more systematic studies that can avoid redundancies and unbridled construct proliferation and to promoting the theoretical and methodological robustness that the field deserves. 

Originality/value – The study applies a combination of systematic and narrative review methodologies with bibliometrics, unique in its focus, depth, and breadth, therefore making a distinguishing contribution and consolidating research with varied approaches while identifying gaps to inspire future research that could bring momentum in the field.  

Keywords – Leadership, Creativity, Innovation, Literature Review 

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