The Relationships among Employee Empowerment, Corporate Repututation, and Firm Performance: Research in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry
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Kaya Özbağ, G., & Gündüz Çekmecelioğlu, H. (2022). The Relationships among Employee Empowerment, Corporate Repututation, and Firm Performance: Research in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry. RBGN - Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 24(1). Recuperado de


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the mutual relationships among an empowerment climate, psychological empowerment, corporate repututation, and firm performance.

Theoretical framework – This paper builds on the literature on empowerment and corporate reputation to propose a comprehensive research model to examine how corporate repututation and firm performance are shaped by empowerment practices.

Design/methodology/approach – To achieve the objective of the study, the partial least squares approach and bootstrapping re-sampling method were used to test the hypotheses. A survey was carried out to collect data from 225 employees of the manufacturing industry in Turkey.

Findings – The findings support the positive impact of an empowerment climate on psychological empowerment. In addition, an empowerment climate appears to be a variable that strongly increases both corporate reputation and firm performance. Furthermore, the results reveal that perceived corporate reputation is positively associated with both financial and non-financial performance.

Practical & social implications of the research – This research provides an important contribution by showing how macro-level empowerment practices such as an empowerment climate influence micro-level feelings of empowerment such as psychological empowerment and that both, in turn, are related to corporate reputation and firm performance.

Originality/value – This research provides an important contribution by showing how macro-level empowerment practices such as an empowerment climate influence micro-level feelings of empowerment such as psychological empowerment and that both, in turn, are related to perceived corporate reputation and firm performance.



Keywords: empowerment climate, psychological empowerment, corporate reputation, firm performance.

PDF (English)

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