NFC technology acceptance for mobile payments: A Brazilian Perspective
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Mobile payments. NFC. TAM. new technologies acceptance.

How to Cite

de Luna, I. R., Montoro-Ríos, F., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., & de Luna, J. G. (2017). NFC technology acceptance for mobile payments: A Brazilian Perspective. Review of Business Management, 19(63), 82–103.


Purpose – This study investigates the acceptance of NFC technology for
payment through mobile in a Brazilian context, which allow knowing
the factors that influence directly or indirectly in that acceptance.

Design/methodology/approach – Through an online and selfadministered
questionnaire and using the snowball sampling procedure
on social networks, the final sample consisted of 423 mobile phone
users in Brazil and the technique used to prove the hypotheses was the
Structural Equation Model.

Findings – The results show that attitude, personal innovation in IT
and perceived usefulness are determinants of future intention to use
the NFC technology for payments in Brazil.

Originality/value – The proposed model has a predictive power of
intention to use NFC payment of 71%, demonstrating that it includes
background with a large predictive power of acceptance of NFC
technology which led us to highlight the main implications for the
management and development of new studies in this field.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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