Stakeholder Management Capability and Performance in Brazilian Cooperatives
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Stakeholder management capability

Como Citar

Pavão, Y. M. P., & Rossetto, C. R. (2015). Stakeholder Management Capability and Performance in Brazilian Cooperatives. RBGN - Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 17(55), 870–889.


Objective – The aim of this paper is to relate Stakeholder Management
Capability (SMC) to economic-financial and social-environmental
Design/methodology/approach – Data collection occurred in 26
states and the Federal District of Brazil. There was validation of 171
questionnaires answered at the strategic and tactical levels in the context
of cooperatives in 13 sectors of Brazil’s economy. Structural equation
modeling was used as an application to verify the data with the use of
exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
Findings – The results made it possible to verify the relationship
between SMC and the social and environmental performance. The
coefficient found for the relationship between SMC and economicfinancial
performance also had a positive effect.
Practical implications – The research results provide evidence
that SMC is directly related to the economic-financial and socialenvironmental
performance of cooperative organizations. SMC may
also contribute to the analytical process of organizations from the
statistical dimension and an applied empirical structure.
Originality/value – The model reached support in both relationships
with significant values, demonstrating that the dimensions and scales
used to measure it were satisfactory, validating the proposed model.
This finding demonstrates that these organizations have the skills to
meet the requirements of and manage stakeholders, even if one person
plays different roles, i.e. the cooperative member, which is basically the
owner, supplier, consumer and customer.
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