Consumer involvement with products: comparison of PII and NIP scales in the Brazilian context
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Palabras clave

Comportamento do consumidor. Envolvimento do consumidor com o produto. Escala PII. Escala NIP

Cómo citar

Almeida, V. M. C. de, & Düsenberg, N. B. (2014). Consumer involvement with products: comparison of PII and NIP scales in the Brazilian context. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 16(50), 75–95.


This study aims to evaluate the extent to which
two scales of consumer involvement with
products converge: PII (Personal Involvement
Inventory), by Zaichkowsky (1994), and NIP
(New Involvement Profile), by Jain and Srinivasan
(1990). The literature review encompasses the
main studies on measuring the involvement of
consumers with products. Data was collected
through a survey that was applied to a nonprobabilistic
quota sample of undergraduate
students from different institutions across the state
of Rio de Janeiro. A total of 1,122 questionnaires
were collected, of which 1,025 (91.4%) were
considered valid. In order to investigate the
different levels of consumer involvement through
different product categories, four products were
used – sneakers, mobile phone, sports drinks
and soft drinks. ANOVA and post hoc tests
were used to verify the existence of significant
difference on answers among product groups.
This study’s substantive hypothesis, the degree of
convergence between the classification results of
the PII and NIP scales, was verified in two ways:
through Spearman’s non-parametric correlation
test and through the observation of the scales’
similar classification proportion rates. The scores’
independence was evaluated through the nonparametric
Chi-Square test. Results show high
classification convergence. The main contribution
of this study is thus to empirically test the PII and
NIP scales in the Brazilian context. Furthermore,
the convergence of the scores of these scales
suggests the possibility of comparing results of
studies, using either scale.

Keywords: Consumer behavior. Consumer
involvement with products. PII scale. NIP scale.
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PDF (Português (Brasil))


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