The activities that constitute the phases of the social innovation process: a study in the context of social impact businesses
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Gandhi Bezerra-de-Sousa, I., Paula Segatto, A., Luiz Morais-da-Silva, R., & Simão Justen, G. . (2022). The activities that constitute the phases of the social innovation process: a study in the context of social impact businesses. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 24(1). Recuperado a partir de


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the activities that constitute the phases of the social innovation process in the context of social impact businesses.

Theoretical framework – It was used the literature on social innovation, social impact businesses and the social innovation process. The Bhatt and Altinay (2013) model was applied as the basis for the study.

Design/methodology/approach – Based on a qualitative case study approach, nine Brazilian cases of social impact businesses that generate social innovation were investigated. Data were collected from direct observation, documents, visual data and semi-structured interviews, analyzed using the content analysis technique.

Findings – The main findings indicate the disposition of a complex process involving numerous activities in its different phases (initiation, development, restructuring and dimensioning), as well as the importance of the entrepreneur's role, considered as a highly relevant member of the process.

Research Practical & Social implications – The study demonstrates that the process of social innovation is more complex than the literature has shown. The findings may also contribute to the practical field, whether with beginner entrepreneurs seeking to structure their businesses, or with more advanced initiatives that seek to give scalability to their proposals.

Originality/value – This study contributes to the literature by exploring the activities that make up the social innovation process and identifying a complementary phase in the process proposed by Bhatt and Altinay (2013).

Keywords – Social Innovation; Social Innovation Process; Social Impact Business.

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