Alianza basada en la coopetición en las redes interorganizacionales de turismo: una comparación entre Curitiba y Foz de Iguazú, Brasil
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Palabras clave

Coopetition. Interorganizational networks. Partnering. Tourism.

Cómo citar

Chim-Miki, A. F., & Batista-Canino, R. M. (2017). Alianza basada en la coopetición en las redes interorganizacionales de turismo: una comparación entre Curitiba y Foz de Iguazú, Brasil. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 19(64), 219–235.


Purpose – This paper presents a model to analyze the context and
critical behavior of interorganizational partnering based on the
coopetition strategy.

Design/methodology/approach – This research is exploratory, and
makes use of descriptive statistical methodology. Data collection was
based on an entrepreneurial perception survey applied to 545 tourism
firms and 49 local business associations in two Brazilian cities.

Findings – The main theoretical approach of this research was to
introduce a partnering model, and its variables, based on coopetition
– whereas its main empirical finding was to prove that the high
internal competition among participants, within the tourism sector,
is a greater source of coopetition behavior than external competition
itself. Shared values, mutual trust, complementarity and awareness of
the competitive advantages that result from partnering co-exist with
the internal competition between firms belonging to this sector.

Originality/value – Coopetition in the tourism sector has been little
explored, but this study confirms that coopetition is a hybrid behavior
which is very suitable to explain current market relationships; it also
represents the interorganizational networks generated by business
associations. The value of this research was to provide a scale to measure
cooperative and competitive contexts on partnering based on the
coopetition strategy, which can be applied to other industries or sectors.
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