Connoisseurship Consumption Community and Its Dynamics
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Palabras clave

consumption community. connoisseurship consumption. serious leisure. specialty coffee.

Cómo citar

Quintão, R. T., Brito, E. P. Z., & Belk, R. W. (2017). Connoisseurship Consumption Community and Its Dynamics. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 19(63), 48–64.


Purpose – What is the dynamics of the connoisseurship consumption
community? What are the forces that drive this serious leisure
consumption community?

Design/methodology/approach – Adopting a naturalistic inquiry
approach, we immersed ourselves in the field, visiting and observing
consumers and professionals in independent coffee shops in North
America: Toronto, Montreal, Seattle, and New York from August 2013
to July 2014.

Findings – The research describes the connoisseurship consumption
community and explains its forces, which are education, emulation
and tensions between the members of the community.

Originality/value – Our findings explain the amateur consumer’s
behavior and the relationship of these amateurs with professionals
and with the public during their consumption practices. We help to
advance the study of heterogeneous consumption communities by
revealing the tensions between the members of the community and the
production of subcultural and social capital. Our research contributes
to the consumer culture field by increasing knowledge of this social
consumption phenomenon.
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PDF (Português (Brasil))


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