Work Experience: reports of a life experience
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Life experience. Professional education. Interpersonal competence.

How to Cite

Rocha-Pinto, S. R. da. (2008). Work Experience: reports of a life experience. Review of Business Management, 10(27), 118–131.


The Work Experience network is a possible option for young students as it provides them with the opportunity of improving their abilities/competences in order to face competition in the job market. Based on phenomenological research, the present paper shows the experience of young students abroad. The analysis resulted in the following propositions: a) away from his/her primary supporting references, a Brazilian youth builds up a supporting and solidarity network together with other Brazilians in a foreign country; b) socio-economic factors determine the way such situation abroad will be experienced; c) financial reward is not relevant as long as a temporary employment opportunity occurs within a context not linked to higher schooling and in a relaxed context; d) the experience of standing on ";;operational ground";; contributes to the development of leaders concerned with the human dimension of the organization; e) the opportunity of living in a different culture contributes to the development of interpersonal competences.

Key-words: Life experience. Professional education. Interpersonal competence.
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