El valor publicitario de los anuncios en Twitter: un estudio entre los integrantes mexicanos de la generación Milenio
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Palabras clave

Social media advertising

Cómo citar

Murillo, E., Merino, M., & Núñez, A. (2016). El valor publicitario de los anuncios en Twitter: un estudio entre los integrantes mexicanos de la generación Milenio. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 18(61), 436–456. https://doi.org/10.7819/rbgn.v18i61.2471


Purpose – This study set out to measure the perceived Advertising
Value of Twitter ads on a large sample of Mexican Millennials.

Design/methodology/approach – An online survey was used to collect
data among 630 university students. The hypothesized antecedents
of Advertising Value were Informativeness, Entertainment, Irritation
and Credibility. The model was estimated using Partial Least Squares.

Findings – Results indicate Informativeness and Entertainment were
the strongest predictors, with Credibility in third place. In addition,
Credibility displayed gender effects: it was significant for female
respondents but not for males. Irritation failed to reach statistical
significance in most subsamples, suggesting Twitter ads are more
acceptable to Millennials than other advertising formats.

Originality/value – Millennials tend to dismiss traditional advertising
formats. At the same time they are heavy users of Social Networking
Sites. This research provides the first empirical estimation of the Ducoffe
model of Advertising Value in the microblogging service Twitter, and
the first application of this robust model of web advertising to a Latin
American sample. Our results have important implications for both
regional and global brands targeting Millennials.

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PDF (Português (Brasil))


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