The Impact of Social Intelligence on Engagement and Person-Organization Fit: A Mediation Analysis through Political Skill


Social intelligence
political skill
work engagement
person-organization fit

How to Cite

Mehtap, Özge, Deniz Duyar, V., & Halis, M. (2024). The Impact of Social Intelligence on Engagement and Person-Organization Fit: A Mediation Analysis through Political Skill. Review of Business Management, 26(01).


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to measure both the effects of social intelligence (SI) and political skill (PS) on work engagement (WE) and personorganization (P-O) fit, and the role that PS plays as a mediator in the relationship between SI and the other two variables.

Theoretical framework – The model proposed in this study is grounded in the job demands-resources (JD-R) theory. In the context of this study, SI and PS are considered as job resources. The study seeks to provide insights into how these job resources contribute to employees’ WE and P-O fit.

Design/methodology/approach – Using the survey method, data were collected from 246 employees working in the information technology sector in Turkey using the convenience sampling method. The obtained data were analysed using the structural equation modelling (SEM) path analysis method in the AMOS program.

Findings – The results of the study reveal that PS and SI have significant effects on WE and P-O fit, and that PS mediates the relationship between SI and the outcomes.

Practical & social implications of research – This study makes a valuable contribution to the field of management, both in theoretical and practical terms, by uncovering the impact of SI on PS and the subsequent effects of these factors on employees’ P-O fit and overall WE. This study is important for two main reasons. First, no previous research was found that explicitly examines the relationship between both SI and PS and P-O fit. Second, PS is a relatively underexplored area within organizational studies, despite organizations often being perceived as political arenas.

Originality/value – This study is the first to analyse the proposed model, as no previous studies were found that explore the relationship between these variables simultaneously within the same model. Additionally, there is a lack of research examining the direct effects of PS and SI on P-O fit. As a result, this study is expected to address a significant gap in the management literature and contribute to the understanding of these relationships.

Keywords: Social intelligence, political skill, work engagement, person-organization fit.


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