Expectations concerning retail: a study of clothing and shoe consumers at the bottom of the social pyramid
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Retail mix. retail. consumer behavior. low income.

How to Cite

Antoni, V. L., & Basso, K. (2016). Expectations concerning retail: a study of clothing and shoe consumers at the bottom of the social pyramid. Review of Business Management, 18(62), 593–608. https://doi.org/10.7819/rbgn.v18i62.1702


Purpose – To understand different perceptions of retail by consumers
at the bottom of the social pyramid, to thus understand specific market
niches that are a part of the low income segment.

Design/methodology/approach – We carried out a survey including
560 cases. We also used cluster and discriminant analysis.

Findings – We observed the formation of four groups of customers,
which showed significant distinctions in the characteristics considered
for choosing a store.

Originality/value – The clusters represents a discriminant effort to
highlight the differences between consumers considered in the same
group of analysis, the bottom of the pyramid. Managerially, retail
managers can assess their retail mix, and then drive more focused
strategies and operations.

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