Vol. 10 No. 27 (2008)


Flavio Hourneaux Junior, Marisa Pereira Eboli, Eduardo Caruso Martins
Corporate Education and the Role of the Chief Learning Officer
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Sandra Regina da Rocha-Pinto
Work Experience: reports of a life experience
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Ana Oliveira-Brochado, Francisco Vitorino Martins
Market Segmentation Methodology: segmentation basis and classification methods
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Alessandra Vasconcelos Gallon, Tarcísio Pedro da Silva, Nelson Hein, José Leônidas Olinquevitch
Evaluation of the Importance of Attributes in Customer Satisfaction with Supermarkets in the Mid-Valley Region of the Itajaí - SC
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Maria Thereza Pompa Antunes, Alex Serafim Alves
The Adequacy of the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems for the Creation of Intangible Managerial Accounting Information: an exploratory study
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José Francisco Ribeiro Filho, Jeronymo José Libonati, Jorge Expedito de Gusmão Lopes, Hugo Leonardo Ferraz Santiago
Composition of the Assets of Investments in Brazilian Supplementary Private Pension Plan System (EFPC): an exploratory analysis based in the type of patronage
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Márcio Mussy Toledo, Liliane de Oliveira Guimarães
Spatial Concentration: focus on Garment Firms in Minas Gerais
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