Purpose – The goal of the research is to determine the perceived efficacy of brand boycotting campaigns by Turkish consumers, as well as the effects of social pressure on boycott intention, the mediating role of social media, and the moderating role of discount sensitivity on these effects.
Theoretical framework – The research idea and model were developed following previous boycott research (Shin and Yoon, 2018; Muhamad et al., 2018; Asnawi et al., 2019; Zhai and Luo, 2023).
Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from Turkish consumers using the convenience sampling method and an online survey. Using data from 417 consumers, the research hypotheses were investigated using structural equation modeling.
Findings – According to the findings, perceived efficacy and social pressure have a significant effect on consumers' boycott intentions, with social media playing a partial mediating role. Furthermore, consumers' sensitivity to discounts offered by boycotted firms was found to have a moderating effect on the relationship between social pressure and boycott intention.
Practical & social implications of research – Managers of boycotted brands should devise appropriate marketing strategies to minimize damage. Given the importance of social media in boycotts, it is imperative that brands actively use social media as a communication channel.
Originality/value – The fact that the paper examines the idea of boycotting in the context of both social media and consumer discount sensitivity demonstrates the importance of the research and its contribution to filling a gap in the literature.
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