The effect of advergames, banners and user type on the attitude to brand and intention to purchase
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publicidad en Internet
navegadores casuales
buscadores de información.

How to Cite

Farías, P. (2018). The effect of advergames, banners and user type on the attitude to brand and intention to purchase. Review of Business Management, 20(2), 194–209.


Purpose – This research was intended to analyze the effectiveness of
advergames in comparison with banners. In addition, it seeks to analyze
whether the type of user (someone who just casually browses the
Internet vs. someone looking for product information on the Internet)
will influence the effectiveness of both Internet advertising formats.

Design/methodology/approach – An experiment with 15participants controlling perceived entertainment.

Findings – it has been observed that advergames are not superior to
banners in improving the attitude towards brand and intention to
purchase. These results are independent of the type of user (casual
browsers vs. information seekers).

Originality/value – While banners are traditional formats in Internet
advertising, other formats have emerged as technology advances, such
as advergames.
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