The role of trait emotional intelligence in predicting networking behavior
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Palabras clave

Emotional intelligence
networking behavior
proactive behavior.

Cómo citar

Torres-Coronas, T., & Vidal-Blasco, M.-A. (2017). The role of trait emotional intelligence in predicting networking behavior. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 19(63), 30–47.


Objective – The purpose of this paper is to obtain evidence of the relation between entrepreneur proactive networking behavior and trait emotional intelligence to support transition towards entrepreneurial careers.

Design/methodology/approach – The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short form (TEIQue-SF), developed by Cooper and Petrides (2010),  was used to test hypotheses on the factors that define a proactive use of a professional network and their relationship with the individual level of trait emotional intelligence and its four components (well-being, self-control, emotionality and sociability). A questionnaire was sent to local entrepreneurs to verify whether trait emotional intelligence act as a predictor of proactive networking behavior.

Theoretical foundation – We will be using Petrides and Furnham’s (2001) trait EI definition and EI will be studied within a personality framework (Petrides, 2001, Petrides & Furnham, 2001, 2006, 2014).

Findings – Final findings partially confirms research hypothesis, with some components of EI (well-being and self-control factors) showing a significant positive correlation with proactive networking behavior. This indicates that entrepreneurs’ ability to regulate emotions influences their networking behavior helping them to succeed in their business relationships.

Practical implications – The present study provides a clear direction for further research by focusing on how trait emotional intelligence affects social networking behavior amongst entrepreneurs, thus demonstrating the utility of using trait EI to evaluate high potential entrepreneurs.
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