Value Creation from Internationalization of Sugar Cane by-products: a multi-stakeholder view of artisanal cachaça production
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Palabras clave

value creation

Cómo citar

Neutzling, D. M., Santos, M. S. dos, Barcellos, M. D. de, & Lauren Land, A. (2015). Value Creation from Internationalization of Sugar Cane by-products: a multi-stakeholder view of artisanal cachaça production. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 17(55), 890–910.


Objective – The aim of this paper was to identify the strategies
developed for internationalization in order to create value in the
artisanal cachaça sector of Brazil.
Design/methodology/approach – A multiple-case study was applied
in two artisanal cachaçarias. we carried out in-depth, semi-structured
interviews with different stakeholders involved in supporting
internationalization of these companies. To select the stakeholders we
used snowball sampling. The content of the interviews was categorized
and analysed according to accepted theory.
Findings – Our study provides an overview of the organization and
structure of the cachaçarias and reveals how internationalization is
adding value to this network from a multi-stakeholder view. The
support of the multi-stakeholder network is in an early stage, but
it offers a promising future, since there is a consumer market being
developed. Political power is needed to regulate the industry.
Practical implications – Business internationalization of the
handmade cachaça sector is a challenge, as most companies are small
and do not have adequate financial resources or proper knowledge
regarding international markets. Regulatory stakeholders support the
cachaçarias in standardizing production and developing international
strategies. The results can help to better understand the importance of
collaboration embedded in stakeholder network relationships.
Originality/value – Empirical research on internationalization in
developing countries, especially in small and mediums sized firms is
still very limited. We have shown that companies can benefit from
specific organization structures when developing relationships within
multi-stakeholder networks.
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