Sustainable Strategies and Export Performance: an analysis of companies in the gems and jewelry industry
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Cómo citar

Palma, E. P., Maffini Gomes, C., Marques Kneipp, J., & Barbieri da Rosa, L. A. (2014). Sustainable Strategies and Export Performance: an analysis of companies in the gems and jewelry industry. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 16(50), 25–42.


This study had the aim of analyzing the relation
between the use of sustainable management
strategies and the export performance in
manufacturing companies of the gems and jewelry
industry. Sustainable strategies were analyzed
from the adaptation of the strategic model of the
American Battelle Institute, introduced by Placet,
Anderson and Fowler (2005), which addresses the
interaction of economic, social and environmental
aspects with the perspective of innovation, and
impacts on the company and on the society.
The export performance was analyzed based on
the adaptation of the model of Papadopoulos
and Martín (2010), which develops and tests a
formative measure of the export performance, and
identifies and quantifies the relative contribution
of its consequences to the economic and strategic
dimensions. The research is characterized as
descriptive and quantitative, and was conducted
through a survey. Therefore, it was highlighted
that the sustainability dimensions are related to
the export performance of companies in the gems
and jewelry industry. Thus, it was suggested that
sustainable business strategies can substantially
contribute to the export performance, through
the guidance towards economic, social and
environmental results to the organization and its

Keywords: Sustainable strategies. Export
performance. Gems and jewelry industry.
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PDF (Português (Brasil))


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