Internationalization and Networks in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: the role of ethnic ties
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Palabras clave

Internationalization. Networks. Small and medium-sized enterprises. Immigration.

Cómo citar

Seifriz, M. A., Gondim, S. M. G., & Pereira, M. E. (2014). Internationalization and Networks in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: the role of ethnic ties. RBGN Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 16(50), 5–24.


The international insertion of small and
medium-sized enterprises (SME) has attracted
academic attention with the emergence of
new internationalization theories based on the
network approach. There is evidence that social
networks based on descent ties contribute to the
international integration of firms, particularly
small ones. The quantitative cross-sectional
study conducted with 71 SME affiliated with the
Business Association of Blumenau, city marked by
German immigration, sought to test the predictive
role of descent ties (content of ties and strength
of ties) in the degree of SME internationalization.
The results suggest that only the strength of
ties (frequency of contacts with the country of
descent) contributes to explaining the degree of
internationalization. Limitations of sample size
require caution in generalizing the results.
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