Avatar of the self: Governing meta-body elaborated based on embodiments of consumption


consumption embodiment
Foucauldian genealogy

How to Cite

Melo Moura, B., & Maranhão de Souza-Leão1, A. L. (2024). Avatar of the self: Governing meta-body elaborated based on embodiments of consumption. Review of Business Management, 26(01). https://doi.org/10.7819/rbgn.v26i01.4248


Purpose – The aim of the current study is to investigate how consumer performativity is enacted through embodiment transformation, based on the theoretical elaboration of the body in three dimensions, namely: resistance, utopia and desire.

Theoretical framework – Based on previous literature, the study proposes a theoretical framework when embodiment transformations – i.e., politics, pleasures, and affects – overlap through consumer performativity, evoking Foucauldian concepts to understand the dispositif sustained in a consumption ethos.

Design/methodology/approach – The study was conducted by investigating the cosplay practice based on the use of an ethnographic Foucauldian genealogy.

Findings – The results evidenced three consumption embodiments based on dispositifs circumscribed amidst pairs of body dimensions: redemption, related to politics; reward, regarding pleasure; and rapport, about affection.

Practical & social implications of research – Presumably, these representations are evidence of an attempt to improve the body that represents the best way to experience this consumption ethos, which is herein called the “avatar of the self”: a governing meta-body used to mediate consumption experiences through performativities.

Originality/value – Avatar of the self is an interpretation of the theoretical generalization of phenomena of consumption embodiment through performativities.



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