Micro-Entrepreneurs In The Creative Industry: How Resilience Overcomes The Pandemic Impacts


Trade fair
Creative industry

How to Cite

Lessa, P. W., Matos, B., & Vadevino, A. (2023). Micro-Entrepreneurs In The Creative Industry: How Resilience Overcomes The Pandemic Impacts. Review of Business Management, 25(3). https://doi.org/10.7819/rbgn.v25i3.4234


Purpose – This study aims to understand the resilience process through the initiatives of micro-entrepreneurs in a creative fair to deal with an external shock context.

Theoretical framework – The study is based on the resilience lens and seeks to add new reflections about this lens with social commerce.

Design/methodology/approach – A case study was used on the changes caused in the creative industry trade due to COVID-19. Interviews were carried out with micro-entrepreneurs in Crato, state of Ceará, Brazil. Moreover, region decrees were collected to analyze how the micro-entrepreneurs reacted to implementing measures against the COVID-19 spread.

Findings – It was possible to create a scheme that reflects how micro-entrepreneurs saw the trade fair before the pandemic and their resilient and adaptable attitudes to overcome external shocks and sell their products through social commerce on the Internet.

Research Practical & Social implications – This study develops new reflections on resilience and the role of social commerce, in addition to filling gaps in understanding the resilience of micro-entrepreneurs. Added to this, this study can help micro-entrepreneurs how social commerce can help in the development of their businesses.

Originality/value – This article managed to fill some gaps about the resilience of micro-entrepreneurs Creative Industry. In addition, it showed that social media were used to overcome the external shocks caused by COVID-19. However, the physical space is still important to this type of market, even during a pandemic.

Keywords – Trade fair; resilience; s-commerce; creative industry.



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