Inclusive Service Experience Management: a Framework from the Perspective of People with Visual Impairment
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Inclusive Service Experience Management
Visual Impairment
Design Resear

How to Cite

Conrad, B., Alperstedt, G. D., & Santos, A. R. (2019). Inclusive Service Experience Management: a Framework from the Perspective of People with Visual Impairment. Review of Business Management, 21(4), 813–838.


Purpose – This article proposes a framework for service experience management from the perspective of people with visual impairment.


Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on design science research and characterized as qualitative, using its respective methodological framework for technical collection and analysis. The combination of Booms and Bitner’s (1981) theory of the 3 Ps of Service Marketing (physical evidence, people, and processes) with the three propositions of Bolton et al. (2014) formed the backdrop to this proposal.


Findings – Based on 32 subcategories of analysis connected with Physical Evidence, Service Cycle, and Personal Interactions, besides 12 subcategories created to highlight the service segment cited by the interviewees, the study shows a high degree of unpreparedness in the service offer when it is consumed by people with visual impairment. Lack of empathy and communication were the most expressive problems in the interviewees’ statements.


Originality/value – The proposed framework can be used as a brainstorming, planning, or check list tool for current or new services in existing businesses as well as for the creation of a new business from scratch. All categories are related to each other, which means that the consumption profile for the service will directly impact on what kind of experiences could be provided, how the physical evidence needs to be thought out; what the standard service flow is like, and which options could be considered as a customized service.
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