Generational differences in work in Spain. A review
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Generational groups
work organization
job satisfaction
human resources

How to Cite

Lasierra, J. M. (2019). Generational differences in work in Spain. A review. Review of Business Management, 21(4), 953–969.


Purpose – The objective of this paper is to analyze the existence of generational differences in work in a series of variables that affect job satisfaction, distinguishing workers born before the 70s, known as Boomers, and those born after that date, Generation X.


Design/methodology/approach – Methodologically an earlier analysis is extended with the application of a Univariate General Linear Model that allows measuring the differences of a collective with respect to the base group. The work expands the explanatory capacity of a previous work in which linear regressions was applied to each of the two groups, Boomers and Generation X.


Findings – The results highlight these differences in which a group of workers appears with a more traditional profile that responds to the profile of the Fordist worker and a generation of younger workers less committed to the company, less identified with the work. For these workers, work is just a way of life, from which they do not obtain any immaterial value. 

Originality/value –This paper concludes by considering the implications the findings have for work management both in theory and in practice. According to these differentiated profiles, management and incentive policies in the company should take into account these differences when recruiting, retaining and managing human resources.
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