The Company: a space for formal education
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Education and work. Education in the company. Adult young education. Social responsibility.

How to Cite

Barone, R. E. M., & Aprile, M. R. (2007). The Company: a space for formal education. Review of Business Management, 7(17), 7–14.


This article points the presence of the actions of formal education in the scope of the Brazilian companies, arguing its importance as one of the conditions with respect to definition of competitiveness and employability standards.  For in such a way, it is distinguished the weight of the deriving demands in the world of the work for the definition of programs and projects that aim to extend the schooling of the work force, basic condition for the development of the new qualifications and required professional abilities.

Key-words: Education and work. Education in the company. Adult young education of e. Social responsibility.
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