Marketing strategies in the internationalization process of Brazilian franchises
PDF (Português (Brasil))


international marketing. international franchising. global marketing strategy. franchises. Brazilian franchises.

How to Cite

Camargo, M. A. de A. P., Rocha, T. V., & Silva, S. C. e. (2016). Marketing strategies in the internationalization process of Brazilian franchises. Review of Business Management, 18(62), 570–592.


Purpose – This paper aimed to analyze the influence of marketing
strategies on the internationalization process of Brazilian franchises.
The objective was to identify the marketing strategies used by Brazilian
franchises during different stages of their internationalization processes
and to analyze these strategies according to the Global Marketing
Strategy (GMS).

Design/methodology/approach – The paper adopted a qualitative
research methodology based on three case studies developed in Brazilian
franchises in the footwear and apparel sector: two companies with
active involvement and one with commitment involvement abroad.
Six directors and marketing managers of these companies provided
statements regarding the internationalization process and marketing

Findings – The Brazilian franchises are on the path towards
standardizing their marketing mix, but they are still a long way from
leading their business actions to the four final dimensions of the GMS:
concentration and coordination of marketing activities, integration
of competitive movements and participation in the global market.
Secondly, we performed a comparative analysis of the three case studies
considering active and commitment involvement.

Originality/value – This study innovates using the GMS to analyze
the internationalization processes of Brazilian franchises in different
stages, and it emphasizes the dimensions that should be subjects of
planning for firms that are preparing to grow their franchising business
models abroad.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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