The influence of project leaders’ behavioral competencies on the performance of Six Sigma projects
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Project leader. project manager. project success. Six Sigma.

How to Cite

Marzagão, D. S. L., & Carvalho, M. M. de. (2016). The influence of project leaders’ behavioral competencies on the performance of Six Sigma projects. Review of Business Management, 18(62), 609–632.


Purpose – This article aims to characterize behavioral competencies
of Six Sigma Project Leaders, as well as relate those competencies with
projects performance.

Design/methodology/approach – It is a survey-based research. This
study analyzes 225 Six Sigma Projects in Brazil, Chile and Colombia,
led by 191 Project Leaders.

Findings – The projects were classified accordingly with their
performance and project leaders had their behavioral characteristics
mapped. Based on independence statistical testing, it was identified
that project success depends on both competencies of the project leader,
innovation and direction.

Originality/value – The article shows the relationship between
behavioral competencies and project performance. In addition, the
article maps behavioral competencies in six sigma projects.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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