On the Path to Innovation: Analysis of Accounting Companies' Innovation Capabilities in Digital Technologies
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Business Models
Digital Technologies.

How to Cite

Schiavi, G. S., Momo, F. da S., Behr, A., & Maçada, A. C. G. (2020). On the Path to Innovation: Analysis of Accounting Companies’ Innovation Capabilities in Digital Technologies. Review of Business Management, 22(2), 381–405. https://doi.org/10.7819/rbgn.v22i2.4051


Purpose – This article examines the innovation capability of accounting firms in the Brazilian market, in their use of digital technologies, based on technology development, operation, management, and transaction capabilities.


Design/methodology/approach – We carried out interviews with the main managers of the companies and collected institutional documents and external documents on the national and international context of accounting business innovation.


Findings – Accounting has begun on the traditional path towards digital innovation, demonstrating the quality and value that technology-related solutions can generate when exploited in business and especially in processes. This increase in technology causes changes in accounting business models.


Originality/value –The paper contributes to the theoretical body of work on innovation and accounting, identifying that this area is on the way towards innovation by using new technologies in the creation of operations and transaction management. It is clear that the process of innovation and digital transformation already presents a real challenge to be managed.

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