Integration mechanisms for different types of innovation: case study in innovative companies
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Innovation management
Product innovation
Process innovation
Integration Mechanisms.

How to Cite

Lizarelli, F. L., Toledo, J. C. de, & Alliprandini, D. H. (2018). Integration mechanisms for different types of innovation: case study in innovative companies. Review of Business Management, 21(1), 5–32.


Purpose – This paper examines the use of integration mechanisms in two innovation activities relationships: between exploitation product innovation and exploration product innovation, and between exploitation process innovation and exploration product innovation. It also identifies the benefits generated by the use of integration mechanisms.


Design/methodology/approach – A multiple case study in four companies from different sectors which are a reference in product and process innovation.


Findings – There is integration in the innovation activities relationships studied. The most used integration mechanisms in both relationships are regular collaboration, involvement for knowledge exchange (cross-functional interface mechanisms), those related to a culture of freedom, such as the free flow and encouragement of ideas, and those related to knowledge and information exchange (connectedness mechanisms).


Originality/value – In addition to identifying that integration is possible and occurs in companies, it was possible to verify that the use of integration mechanisms enables the generation of benefits for product innovation.
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