Adoption of Technological Products and Services for Different Consumer Profiles: An analysis using the Technology Adoption Propensity Scale
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Technology Adoption Propensity
Cultural Differences
Scale Validation
Consumer Profiles.

How to Cite

Bittencourt, R., Almeida, S. O. de, & Araujo, C. F. (2018). Adoption of Technological Products and Services for Different Consumer Profiles: An analysis using the Technology Adoption Propensity Scale. Review of Business Management, 21(1), 86–102.


Purpose – To evaluate how different consumer profiles react to the adoption of new technologies through the replication and validation of the TAP scale in Brazil.


Design/methodology/approach – We designed a descriptive study of a quantitative nature applied through a survey. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis procedures were performed in order to validate the scale. We used t tests to check for statistical differences between consumer profiles.


Findings – The TAP scale proved to be a valid and reliable instrument to measure technology adoption propensity among Brazilian consumers. In this group, those in a higher domain of computational innovation showed greater proficiency in the technology adoption process. In a comparison of the data from our study with those of the original one in the USA, Brazilians presented a higher propensity for technology adoption.


Originality/value – The study provided advancements in three ways: 1) validating the TAP scale for Brazilian usage; 2) bringing insights to research on innovation in specific domains; 3) contributing to the studies about potential differences between developed and emergent countries related to new technology adoption and late acceptance of innovation.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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