Cooperative relationships and competitiveness in supermarket sector
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Inter-organizational networks. Cooperation networks. Cooperative relationships. Competitiveness. Performance.

How to Cite

Centenaro, A., & Laimer, C. G. (2017). Cooperative relationships and competitiveness in supermarket sector. Review of Business Management, 19(63), 65–81.


Purpose – This article aims to investigate the influence of cooperative
relations in the performance of companies in the supermarket sector,
comparing the companies associated networks with companies not

Design/methodology/approach – The research method employed
was a survey research with 31 companies.

Findings – The results indicate that the cooperative relationships with
suppliers have a positive impact on companies of performance, while
the cooperative relationships with competitors and local institutions
do not influence the performance. Moreover, it appears that there is
no relationship between participation in a network of cooperation and
achieving superior performance. However, companies linked to the
network present better cooperative relationships with suppliers, which
positively impacts the performance and therefore have competitive
advantages over companies not associated to networks.

Originality/value – The cooperative relationships with suppliers can
provide benefits such as reducing logistics costs, improved product
portfolio, better negotiating prices and terms, partnership for
conducting marketing strategies among others, thus increasing the
competitiveness of companies in the supermarket sector.
PDF (Português (Brasil))

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