“Engage and attract me, then I’ll share you”: an analysis of the impact of post category on viral marketing in a social networking site
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Social media marketing
social media metrics
social networking sites
viral communications
viral marketing.

How to Cite

Almeida, M. I. S. de, Costa, M., Coelho, R. L. F., & Scalco, P. R. (2016). “Engage and attract me, then I’ll share you”: an analysis of the impact of post category on viral marketing in a social networking site. Review of Business Management, 18(62), 545–569. https://doi.org/10.7819/rbgn.v18i62.2620


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of different
types of content of viral marketing in a popular social networking site.
Our research is founded on recent studies which categorize posts on

Design/methodology/approach – Data for 2583 posts in eight
profiles of Brazilian beer brands were coded and analyzed. We used
a regression model and Analysis of Variance to establish relationships
among independent variables and a dependent variable.

Findings – Two hypotheses were supported. There was a positive
relationship between posts of the categories Fan and Promotion and
Publicity and viral marketing. Posts of the categories Information and
Pool did not have any significant effects, and confirmed previous studies
which analyzed likes and comments as dependent variables.

Originality/value – Previous studies using the platform did not
categorize posts created by brand fans/followers. Our typology is a
quantitative improvement in relation to studies with similar objectives.
Hence, marketers involved with brand management on Facebook
should publish posts which promote the brand and reproduce content
generated by people engaged with it if they seek to increase the
viralization capacity of such posts.

PDF (Português (Brasil))

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